Title: Catharsis Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creators are kind
Title: Trump Card Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creators are kind
Title: Touching Base Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creators are kind
Title: Taking Stock Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creators are kin
Title: Keeping Faith Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creators are kind
Title: A Second Look Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creators are kind
Title: Wake to Sleep Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creatures are kind
Title: Reboot Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creatures are kind
Title: Not Yet Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creatures are kind
Title: Mutual Losses Pairing: Spike/Buffy Rating: PG-13, so far Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or pretty that accompanies this, but luckily for me, both their creatures are kind